Alen Chandy Alexander

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Studying Bachelor of Business Administration. Big Aspirant for Arts, Fun and Travel. Spoilt. Thoughtful. Son. Brother. Friend. Amateur Writer, Poet & Speaker. Foodie. you can ask me questions at

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

SpeakOut#11 - Easter Resolution!

I'm a very restless person. Cranky and grumpy infact lots of times. Resulted due to a habit of shoving away things that bother me.
Earlier, I was very good at shutting it inside and letting me and myself interfere with my problems and finish it. That was, however, plain burying it down somewhere until it came back to bug me real bad.
Then I learned to express it out somehow and it has been a good way to vent out, although keeping it inside or letting it out later still gives me a big headache for a while.
I had noticed that it gave me a bonus to burdens by adding a lot of stress to my face and body. I've only looked older because of it and that should prove how many changes one goes through in looks by stress alone.
However, by God's grace the smile my face can put up has been bigger than ever. He probably let me have that one thing to put down these problems.
I've realised that dealing with it at the earliest chance and clearing my mind from these unnecessary pounds of waste can take off a great deal of weight from my heart and wrinkles of my face. Talk about an effective anti-aging process along with those anti-oxidants from wine and ketchup :)

Why a resolution now and not one for New Years? Why hopes up for this resolution?
I'll work for this resolution from Easter because it is something way more special to me than New-Year's.
An oath taken between myself and God to keep the lent and reach the special day. I can finish that.

One of the mini-hurdles accomplished in life with ease, I can say for He is with me always.
So I keep another one for Him and me. Looking forward to accomplishing this effectively.
A good deed done to others along to myself hehe. May God be with us all.
Happy Easter! Our Lord has risen!

Our Lord has risen! Hallelujah!

SpeakOut#10 - Covering up for Memories that should have belonged to Childhood (2/2)

So this is what Aaron found the other day. Owlets from our relative's place!
The Super Cool Owl Pose
I was happy that he had thought of getting the pictures. What a great sight, they are.
Their mother was confident with her kids being with them, since she was keeping watch from a tree.
Much better, one of them even nipped at Aaron's finger when he tried to play. Reason why Owl Mum was fine!

Another incident that was good recently was how I learned to roast cashew nuts after plucking cashew fruits from the tree and biting them carefully, sipping the juice from it while trying to light a furnace in an old flower pot haha. My friends Riyas and Arun were those who introduced me to this very prevalent pastime amongst kids and elders alike in India who have come across a cashew tree. Shame, I noticed it in my backyard only when they came here hehe.

Riyas getting the cashews down!

Arun with his prized Cashew Fruit

One for y'all to see
(More pictures coming soon!)

They say the whole neighborhood gets to know if you're roasting cashew nuts... as if the aroma gets faster than sound! The aroma was fresh and different too! Especially when the nuts hiss in the fire when the oil within leaves and calls you to inform that it is about to be ready :D Yummy!

Pictures like this can settle my point well, how one's Childhood can be great at the countryside here. It would be great if you can get your company from the surroundings and even better if you've got people along.